Your Cart


The purchase process from our online store has been simplified to the maximum for your convenience. Below you will see the steps you need to follow:

1. Add the products to your shopping cart while you are on the product page where you see all the details you need.

2. Once you have selected the correct product (you can use the filters), you can add the product to your shopping cart or to the "favorites list" from which you can later move the products to the cart. Add to cart can only be made for the available products .

3. Each time you add a product to the cart in the upper right corner of your screen you will see a preview of your cart showing recently added items.

4. Click the "cart" in the upper right corner of your screen to change the amount of items you have already added.

5. When you are sure that your cart is ready, you can go to the next step "Cashier" where you will select the type of payment, shipment and enter your billing information and details. At this point you can complete your order.

6. After placing your order you will receive an automatic confirmation email with information about it.